Email notifications can be used to inform you of backup success or failure directly to your email account. The email is sent directly from the BackupVault Pro client.
If you have only a few servers, this may be preferable to Storage Platform reports as emails are sent immediately when the backup finishes, whether the backup is successful or not.
Note: Storage Platform Reports are all schedule driven, meaning that you will have to wait until the report is scheduled to run to be notified or would have to run these manually.
- In the client software, go to Options, Email Notifications
- Tick Backups and/or Restores depending on what you would like notification for
- Enter in your email address in the To field
- In the From field you can usually leave this as If you are using Microsoft 365 you should enter your own email address here
- Enter in your SMTP server details are specified by your email provider
- click Test to confirm the settings are correct
- Click OK